How long do Hearing Aids last?


Ross Higgins


A worrying trend with many hearing aid retailers is to stack ‘em high and sell ‘em cheap, encouraging you to upgrade every year or two. This is an often-unnecessary expense as hearing aids should last between 3 – 5 years. Some patients look after them so well that they last much longer. 

Unlike glasses, hearing aids are adjustable so when your hearing changes, which it is most likely to do throughout the lifespan of the hearing aids – you don’t require to purchase new devices every time.

We recommend routine check-ups (once every 6 -12 months) to check for any changes in your hearing. Your hearing aids can then be re-programmed to reflect the changes. All the hearing aids we sell can be remotely programmed, to ensure that your aids give you the best service they can, over their whole lifespan.

If you feel your current hearing aids have had their time, but are a little lost as to what might suit you for the next 3-5 years, we recommend having a hearing test with a local audiologist. They may make recommendations, or you can send us your updated hearing test results and our audiologists will help you choose hearing aids that will last.

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