Where Can I Get An Online Hearing Test?


Ailish Hamilton


Where can I get a Hearing Test?

Wholesale Hearing offer an online hearing test on our site.

Wholesale Hearing offers online hearing tests available at any time for anyone! Hearing is one of our most precious senses, enabling us to connect with the world around us. Yet, it's also one of the senses we often take for granted. As the saying goes, "You don't know what you've got until it's gone." That's why taking an online hearing test can be a game-changer, providing numerous benefits for your overall well-being.

What are the Benefits of Taking An Online Hearing Test?

  • Hassle-Free & Convenient - You can take the test from the comfort of your own home, using just a computer or smartphone and a pair of headphones. This accessibility means you can check your hearing health whenever it suits you, without the need for an appointment or a trip to a clinic.
  • Early Detection - Online hearing tests can help detect hearing problems in their early stages
  • Time Efficient - Time spent on waiting on an appointment and receiving results can be timely.
  • Cost-Effective - Traditional hearing tests conducted in private clinics can be expensive.
  • Privacy and Comfort - Taking an online hearing test in the privacy of your own home eliminates any potential embarrassment or discomfort that some may feel during in-person tests.

Are online hearing tests free?

Wholesale Hearing’s online hearing test is free-of-charge, no payments or sneaky charges.

How Long Does it Last?

Not long at all! Our standard hearing tests last no more than 5 minutes.

How can I test my Hearing Online?

Take our online hearing test on our site today. It is fairly easy and straightforward but we’re happy to run it through with you first.

Please ensure you complete the test wearing headphones and that you are in a quiet environment for the best and most accurate results.

What are the Steps?

  1. You will be asked to select the sound output source - if you are using headphones, in-ear headphones or your device speakers. Headphones are highly recommended for more accurate results.
  2. Insert your details - so we are able to send your results to you
  3. Play the sample tone to adjust sound volume accordingly, so that you can barely hear the tone
  4. A sound will play and you will be asked to adjust the slider below until you can barely hear the tone, then click next to proceed. This will repeat a few times.
  5. Once completed, you will instantly receive your results.

Find out what the following steps are after conducting your hearing test.

Age is not the only factor associated with hearing loss, there are other factors that may contribute to hearing loss at any age. If you feel your hearing has been affected, take a test today and explore your hearing aid options on our store if or when your results show a need for further care. Your health is always worth the investment.

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