Ross Higgins
Currency Converter
Using our new currency converter on the Wholesale Hearing website, you can now compare hearing aid prices and checkout directly in your local currency. Prices are automatically updated to show in your local currency, whether you are here in the UK, or are shopping for your hearing aids from Europe, the USA, Australia or anywhere else in the world. The hearing aid price you pay includes full programming and worldwide delivery.Hearing Aid Prices
No matter what currency you’re shopping in, Wholesale Hearing offers incredible prices on the latest hearing aids. We are delighted to stock hearing aids from all the best hearing aid manufacturers, including the latest technology from Phonak, Resound, Signia, Widex and more. Whether your hearing aid is required for picking up soft conversation from friends and family or fast paced chatter in business environments, our audiologists can help find the right option for you.
Phonak Paradise Hearing Aids
Phonak Marvel Hearing Aids
Resound Hearing Aids
Hearing Aid Price Comparisons
Using our currency converter ensures it is easier than ever to compare prices on hearing aids, wherever you are. High street options in most countries are significantly more expensive and won’t always include programming and delivery. Our online store will help you compare hearing aid prices, and our audiologists are always on hand if you need help to find the best option for your hearing aid requirements.
Expert Hearing Care at Low Hearing Aid Prices
Wholesale Hearing offers incredible hearing aid prices, pick up your new hearing aids today and look forward to hearing better!

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